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32 Foolproof Blogging Jobs For Moms That Pay Well (Up to $1500 an Article!)

Blogging jobs for moms

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If you’re sitting at home, stumped about finding a relatively easy way to make money online, I’ve got some fantastic blogging jobs for moms on this list!

I’ve worked online doing blogging gigs and it helped me make extra money with my 9-5.

It felt really good being able to write and earn money on my own schedule. 

Is this something you’d like to do as well?

You don’t need to be a scholar or academic, but you do should understand how to write so people stay engaged. 

This is something you can learn on your own or from someone who has already done it!

Even though the term ‘mom blogger’ has been used a bit negatively in the past, I do consider myself a mom blogger.

Not only do I write for my own blog, but I also have experience working for clients as well. 

If you’d like to earn some extra income on the side with blogging jobs, read on to find out more!

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What Are Blogging Jobs Anyway?

Blogging jobs are just as the name states. You’ll be writing articles for blogs or clients and earning money on a freelance basis.

It’s a fun way to get into writing without any investment at all. Blogging jobs can be done by anyone who learns to write in a way that keeps readers intrigued.

I personally love writing because of the flexibility and in most cases, the pay is awesome!

There are some blogs that will pay at very low rates, so I will only mention working for companies that are well worth it.

Essential Tools For Writers

Laptop: You will definitely need a laptop if you are going to work as a writer for the long-term. Gone are the days when we used feather tips or pens. ????

Workspace: Create a comfy workspace at home to make your work time more enjoyable. This could be a table, sofa, or my favorite – the bed!

Grammar Tool: We all make mistakes when writing – it’s inevitable. But you can use a free tool like Grammarly. I use it every day and I love it! It helps with spelling, grammar, clarity, and more! Check out how Grammarly helps you to be a better writer!

Blogging Jobs for Moms about Food & Nutrition

woman sitting on floor

1. Cooking Detective

Do you know a lot about cooking appliances? This might be just the spot for you. 

As the name suggests, you’ll be reviewing various types of cooking equipment and gadgets used in the kitchen. 

They provide helpful tips like how-to guides, cooking tips, and recipes by using the best cookware items. 

Get started with Cooking Detective. 

2. Saveur

If you’re up for creating intriguing posts on a variety of delectable recipes, Saveur is one of the best writing spots to try.

The website is easy to navigate, with food topics categorized by occasion, seasons, courses, cuisines, and ingredients.

One of their posts, which highlighted a breakfast burger, had my mouth watering because it looked so good.

The writing style appears playful and grabs your attention at the outset.

Submit your articles to

Payments start at $150. 

3. The Salt

This is the popular NPR food blog that has articles about nutrition and features for food lovers.

What’s great about the site is that they have an option for listening to an audio version of a post, which is great for the visually impaired.

There are also a number of news stories and features on food-related topics.  

Check out the site for more info. 

Payment for articles is $200+.

4. Well and Good

You’re in luck, because on Well and Good a large amount of the content comes from freelancers!

Food-based articles should express traditional and cultural values and showcase your skill with well-researched nutrition stories or personal essays. 

Apart from being thorough, all articles should promote food in a positive light. 

Articles about dieting to lose weight are not encouraged. 

Pitch your story.

5. Eating Well

As an award-winning online publication, Eating Well has a goal to promote awesome recipes from around the world with fresh, straight-from-the-farm ingredients.

Their articles are also science-backed, so you will have to do your homework before applying.

As a writer for the publication, you will need to write in a way that’s encouraging and help people to live healthier lives with food. 

Topic ideas include:

  • Cooking
  • Nutrition Science
  • Food Origins
  • Culture
  • Traditions

Payment is $1 per word. 

Read more on the site.

Blogging Jobs for Moms about Parenting

woman in white blouse using laptop

6. Just Parents

Can you write engaging content that keeps readers hooked?

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Just Parents may love to have you on their team!

This is a great place to share your knowledge on pregnancy or parenting in a fun and light-hearted way. 

Just Parents pays via Paypal in just 24 hours after your article is approved!

Write for Just Parents.

7. Mommyhood 101

If you have valuable tips to offer on pregnancy, motherhood, childhood, and parenting, then you should check out Mommyhood 101.

This is the perfect spot for moms because they love it when you incorporate your personal experiences in the articles.

Mommyhood 101 prides itself as a ‘useful resource’ for moms, so your article really should be helpful.

Written content should be at least 2000 words long and 100% unique. Find out more about the writing style and payment on the website. 

8. Focus on the Family

This site has a variety of topics to write about – all related to the family.

At this time they only accept writers from North America and make it clear that they want practical advice to help parents.

Your submissions should be between 50 – 300 words and payment is $50 for each accepted article.

Send your submissions here

9. Pregnant Chicken

This is a site I’ve actually read from time to time, and they offer great advice for new or expecting moms. The writing style is pretty hilarious and really draws you in.

This site prefers content that’s not only engaging, but also relatable.

Your posts should be more than 300 words (now that’s pretty easy) and they’ll pay $100 for each accepted article.

Read more on the website. 

10. Baby Chick

We all know that motherhood is a journey, and there is plenty of helpful advice out there for moms.

One of these places is Baby Chick and they provide topics on pregnancy, postpartum, and birth, to guide their parental audience.

Blog article topics you may write on include: learning tools for curious babies, surprising tips for new moms, and getting toddlers to listen – the easy way, just to name a few. 

Review their editorial process here. 

Blogging Jobs for Moms about Finance

woman in white drinking tea while using laptop

11. The Money Pantry

Everyone needs financial advice at some point and the Money Pantry gives great tips!

The articles you write will center around how to make and save money, which, if you have personal experience on, can be a big hit!

That’s because moms love getting practical advice from other moms, especially when running a household. 

Tips you can offer include best work-from-home jobs when working at home with kids, small business ideas for moms, and best surveys sites for moms to earn extra money!

Expect to make as much as $150 per story!

12. Money Crashers

Another place to find blogging jobs for moms is Money Crashers.

They handle topics such as:

  • Credit and debt
  • Small business
  • Mortgages
  • Legal
  • Frugal living

Their requirements are a bit higher as they prefer that writers have previously published posts on other financial websites. 

Also, all articles should be between 1000 – 2000 words and include SEO keywords.

Send your pitch here

13. Freelance Mom

This might be one of the best places that provides tips on working online as a freelance mom. 

Freelance Mom shares guides and tips on money, personal development, working from home, and more.

Oftentimes, features appear with actual moms and how they earn from home, which is really inspiring!

You can write as a guest post writer on their site and earn up to $100 per article. 

Read the guidelines here. 

14. E-Commerce Insiders

Do you know anything about e-commerce?

You could share your knowledge as a writer and earn a steady income.

E-commerce Insiders focuses on the retail industry which includes merchandise, operations, fulfillment, and marketing.

How-to guides and commentaries are a favorite on this website, and the payment is as follows:

  •  $75 for every article from 400-600 words
  • $125 for every article >600 words
  • $150 for every article 600+ words

Send in your pitch to the website. 

15. Income Diary

This site has been around since 2009 and accepts SEO experts to write blog articles on content creation. SEO (obviously), website traffic, entrepreneurship, and making money online

What I like about this site is that you can subscribe to get notifications on new writing jobs. 

This gives you more opportunities to make money on your own time!

Expect payments of $150 – $300 per accepted article. 

Get more information on the website. 

Blogging Jobs for Moms about Travel 

woman in glasses using laptop

16. Transitions Abroad

This gig is perfect for moms who love to travel and write about travel.

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This travel publication looks for practical guides on topics like study, living, travel work, and volunteering abroad.

Transition Abroad states that they have millions of visitors annually, so your articles should have tips that better the lives of readers. 

Articles should be information-based, have first-hand experience or accounts, and should inspire readers. 

Find out more on the site. 

17. International Living

This website is all about finding ways to travel and live more affordably overseas. 

They publish content related to retirees, singles, income living, and cost of living. 

From what I’ve seen, most of the information is centered around helping retirees start their dreams abroad. 

If you have been an ex-pat living overseas, you can write content around this as well.

Check out the website. 

18. Wanderlust

Are you a frequent traveler? Can you write about destination travel in a way that readers can feel like they’re there?

In their own words, Wanderlust is looking for writers who can write articles about ‘‘Off-the-beaten-track destinations, secret corners of the world, and unusual angles on well-known places are always of particular interest”

They also want high-quality photographs and the best writing out there. 

Part of what they like to showcase is the local culture of a particular destination – something that’s not done by other publications.

Interested? Check them out!

19. Travel & Leisure Mag

Chances are, you have heard about this online travel magazine, because it’s very popular.

Its readers consist of experienced travelers looking for adventure, history, active travel, luxury, and solo trips. 

Your story’s concept should be original and not found anywhere else online. 

The magazine looks for many things in your pitch such as:

  • The topic and angle
  • The scope of the story
  • Why we should cover it
  • Why you are the writer for the job
  • Whether you’ve traveled yet

Send your pitch to Travel & Leisure Mag.

20. InTheKnowTraveler

This site is best for moms who have traveled in the past, as they prefer personal travel experience stories. 

Articles should be between 500 -2500 words and you’ll retain the rights to the article which is great.

 To get accepted at this publication, travel writers should write a first-person narrative that promotes culture and inspires others to travel. 

Find out more here.

Blogging Jobs for Moms That Pay $100 Per Article

Pinterest manager creating pins

21. LongReads

This is a website where you can find blogging jobs for moms and write about anything!

You can write short or long-form content between 800 – 6,000 words. 

Writers should create content that is easy to follow in copy such as personal essays, memoirs, and even book reviews.

Longreads pays between $250 – $1,500 per article. 

Send them your pitch!

22. Fiverr

Fiverr is an online marketplace that freelancers can join for free and work from anywhere in the world.

And they do have blogging jobs for moms in a variety of niches such as parenting, health, pregnancy, and more.

Head to the website and set up your profile and accept gigs at your own rate.

Pro writers charge anywhere from $200 and upwards of $2000!

Sign up with Fiverr to work as a freelancer!

23. CopyHackers

A great place to write about topics related to business and startups is CopyHackers.

The content on the site helps marketers and startups with their businesses and is well researched and detailed.

Your submissions should be in the first-person and no less than 2000 words. 

Expect to earn $325 per article. 

Send in your pitch. 

24. Upwork

Just as with Fiverr, moms can work on Upwork as freelancers.

The process works much in the same way as Fiverr where you’ll have to create a profile and apply for jobs.

To earn money on the website, write high-quality content, and then you can raise your rates for higher earnings.

Charge rates of $100+

Sign up with Upwork for free!

25. Listverse

Moms with a witty sense of humor and excellent research skills, can definitely work with Listverse and earn a steady income.

Listverse accepts listicle-styled posts on topics you’ve probably heard of before, but with a unique spin.

One example is ‘10 Truly Incompetent Robbers’. Now I wouldn’t have thought of this, but you probably could create interesting ideas like his one. 

Payment is currently $100 per accepted article

Send in your pitches.

Find Blogging Jobs for Moms on Legitimate Job Boards

Apart from online publications, moms can also find blogging jobs on job boards. I’ve listed a few that I’ve used, which I’m sure will come in handy for you too!

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26. FlexJobs – Online job board with an annual or monthly fee that’s well worth it. I’ve used FlexJobs myself, and they make it easy to find remote jobs online. They pre-check all job listings so you can avoid scams. Check out FlexJobs.

27. We Work Remotely – Find jobs that suit your lifestyle by using their filtering options. Choose writing gigs based on your location and on a part-time or full-time basis.  Check out We Work Remotely.

28. Remote Co – Use this easy online job board to find the best freelance jobs on the web from reputable companies. Check out Remote Co.

29. Virtual Vocations – Another great place to find writing gigs and work remotely. Use the Browse For Jobs option or enter a keyword to find work-from-home writing jobs. Check out Virtual Vocations.

30. Pro Blogger Jobs – I’ve used this site and found an easy freelance writing job that I did for a few months. This is a go-to site for most freelance writers. Check out ProBlogger Jobs.

31. Freelance Writing Gigs– This popular job site is a haven for freelance writers looking for a career in writing. Be sure to sign up with their newsletter for job alerts. Check out Freelance Writing Gigs.

32. Hire My Mom – A place for moms to find legitimate writing jobs. The listings are updated frequently, so be sure to check each day! Find job leads on Hire My Mom.

Should You Start a Blog Instead?

I think this is an excellent idea, if you’d like to start your own business. The best part about it is that you are your OWN boss.

No commuting, no waking up early when you don’t want to, and absolutely no one looking over your shoulder at work.

It does take some time to get your blog to the point where you’re making money semi-passively, but it can be done.

When I just started, I invested a lot of time into writing content and promoting my blog to get it where it is now.

I make money consistently and I couldn’t be happier. You too could start your own blog, and earn money online.

I started my blog and used Bluehost as my hosting company. I’ve had no problems with them so far and you can sign up with them and start your very own blog.

Blogging Ideas for Moms

Since you have an interest in starting a blog, what exactly would you write about? There are several blog topic ideas to choose from and you can slim these down by choosing a niche.

A niche is a specific market or general theme that your blog is centered around.

You could choose a niche in garding, parenting, sports, tech, food or travel.

I recommend using these as starting points and then narrowing down what sub-niche is best for you.

Since the food niche is a bit competitive, you could look into sub-niches like veganism, farm produce, homesteading meals, airfrying, exotic cuisine, and the list goes on.

To get your thoughts rolling, here are 200 blog post ideas that are great for new bloggers.

How Much Do Mom Bloggers Make?

Can you really make money from a mom blog?

The simple answer is YES!

Many mom bloggers have turn their blogs into 6-figures or more and it all starts with having various revenues of income. But how exactly do they get paid?

Here are few ways to monetize your own blog:

Ads: Advertisers will pay to have their ads on your blog if you have high traffic numbers. You can sell ad space to clients or apply to Ad Networks like Mediavine, Ezoic, Monumetric and more!

Affilate Programs: Once you have enough content on your blog, sign up with affiliate companies and refer products or services to readers. A few to get started with include: Share-A-Sale, Flex Offers and Awin.

Sponsorships: This involves writing a blog post about a specific product or service for a company. You will be paid a certain fee for this post.

Get Started With These Lucrative Blogging Jobs

Why wait? These blogging jobs are ripe for the taking. You can work online and pick a schedule that suits your lifestyle!

If you’re a fast writer, try signing up for multiple gigs and earn thousands each month!

Also, if you want a more mellow schedule, writing for only one company is also an option.

As a mom, it’s best to go with your gut and try to manage your home life with work the best way you can!

Happy Writing!

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Meika is a stay-at-home mom of one who believes that every mom should have the chance to build her very own business and thrive while doing it! She'll give you awesome tips on how to make money legitimately with side hustles, online jobs, and business opportunities!

