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Blogging Tips

How To Start a Mom Blog That Makes Money in 2022!

woman starting a work at home mom blog

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This post may include affiliate links.

Would you like to start a mom blog that makes money?

What about learning how to become a mom blogger?

If you want to know the step-by-step process of starting a successful mom blog, then you’ve come to the right place.

Blogging isn’t dead! Far from it.

Learn the actionable steps to start your very own blog and make money while you do it!

Why I Wanted to Start a Mommy Blog

I’ve always been into finding genuine ways to earn an income online.

But during my search, I was always running into problems.

I searched high and low for legitimate ways to make money, only to find ridiculous ‘get rich schemes’ that were nothing but scams.

Before learning about blogging, I was struggling to find sustainable ways to work and make money online as a stay-at-home mom.

Eventually, I learned about the blogging world and discovered that there were lots of moms out there sharing their passions and knowledge – while making money from it!

I’ve started my very own mom blog, which I truly hope will help other moms to work from home and make an income online. Starting a mom blog is not difficult, but it does take some work.

Blogging has now become one of the most popular ways for moms, or almost anyone for that matter, to turn their expertise into a money-making machine.

If you’re willing to put in time and effort, this dream can become yours.

Not only that, it can grow into a full-time income stream for your family!

As a matter of fact, setting up your mom blog can take as little as 7 minutes – yes 7 minutes! However, you will have a bit of learning to do after it’s all set up.

Before we get to the fun stuff, there are some technical tidbits to get out of the way.

After that, you’ll get the juicy deets on how to start making money with your blog.

Let’s do this together step-by-step. Ready? Let’s go girl!

Remember to PIN this post for later!

woman with child working on laptop

How to Start a Mom Blog That Makes Money

Do mom blogs make money?

The answer to this is a big YES!

They can make money in a variety of ways.

Usually, though, bloggers will promote affiliate products and services that will help other moms to earn an income online.

Of course, there will be a lot more ways that these blogs will earn an income, and sometimes, you’ve just got to be creative!

work at home mom blog that makes money

Single Moms Income is a blog that helps single moms make money online. The owner of the blog, Alexa made money with her blog through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts. In a single month, she made more than $5,000!

When you initially start your blog, you won’t be getting traffic immediately, so you won’t see the money rolling in. However, the more time you spend writing helpful content, promoting your blog, optimizing your SEO, and networking, will help you get your name out there.

This way you can build your brand and audience and eventually, your blog will make money!

Other Mom Blogs That Make Money

You may not want to start a blog that centers around earning income or personal finance, but you probably still want to write for moms.

If you’ve ever wondered how to start a mommy blog and what to write about, some popular ideas are:

  • Parenting tips
  • Toddler developments
  • Homeschooling
  • Teaching kids to read

Mom blogs have blown up exponentially over the years, as readers, especially moms, can’t seem to get enough! Their growth seems to stem from the fact that readers want to know how other moms handle day-to-day life and all that comes with it.

It’s no wonder then that mommy blogs make money, and mommy bloggers are having fun doing it!

Here are a few mom blog ideas to get you started:

Brandi from Family Felicity has a lifestyle family blog that showcases positive parenting tips for moms. She gives awesome hacks for moms of small kids and powerful tips for strengthening your marriage and relationship.

She makes about $1,000 from her blog through a combination of ad revenue and Amazon affiliate marketing. Based on the type of niche you choose for your blog, there are other ways to monetize your blog.

Alexandria’s blog, Coffee and Coos, is all about motherhood and parenting.

Coffee and Coos Blog

She also shares pregnancy tips, planners for moms, and creative ideas for moms with toddlers. Check out her post on toddler hacks that I’m sure you’ll find helpful.

Her blog makes $4,000 monthly from a combination of Ad revenue, Affiliate Marketing, and affiliate products. This type of success doesn’t come overnight and requires lots of research and hard work, but it’s definitely possible.

Other types of mom blogs that make money:

  • Christian working mom blogs
  • Christian stay at home mom blogs
  • Sports mom blogs
  • Minimalist mom blogs
  • Fitness mom blogs
  • Millennial mom blogs
  • Work from home mom blogs (like mine) ????
  • Vegetarian mom blogs/vegan mom blogs
  • Fashion mom blogs
  • Stay at home mom blogs

You get the picture. They all have various topics but are focused on moms. This will help you to better understand niches, and the type of blog niche you could choose to canter your topics around.

Finding Your Niche

What are You an Expert in?

To have a successful blog, you have to actually help your readers. This means you should be knowledgeable on the topic or even be an expert in it.

A lot of people who blog have experiences in various areas, but they’ve made the smart decision to write content that they’re most familiar with.

That’s something to think about when you’ve chosen to start your blog.

You should ask yourself:

  • Am I knowledgeable on this topic?
  • Can I write about this long-term?
  • Will I be able to help my readers?

If the answer is no to all 3, you should definitely scratch the idea and brainstorm a few more ideas. These blog post ideas in 10 popular niches will give you a feel for the type of topics readers love.

What’s Your Passion?

What is it that you absolutely love talking about? Do friends and family come to you for advice regularly for help with certain issues? Well, that might be something that you could look into when writing content for your blog.

Let’s think about that specific topic and use it as a starting point for what you may want to write about. If you have a passion for something, you can hone it and make it more than what it is now.

However, you do want to make sure it’s something that you will want to write about for a long time to come. Can you imagine getting sick and tired of your niche after just 6 months?

That would be a total drag. And your readers would know it because it would show your writing.

So, let’s make sure we’ve settled on a topic that we will love for a long time to come! You will also want to focus on a certain topic rather than a range of topics.

Take for example Rookie Moms, which is a parenting blog dedicated to helping new moms handle the ups and downs of having a baby. It also features tips for moms with toddlers.

Rookie Moms Blog

Because this blog is geared toward moms, newborns, and parenting advice, it makes it much easier to attract a loyal following.

Get Specific With Your Niche

Your niche is the main topic that you will be writing about on your blog. It’s important to choose a niche for your blog in order to keep the content focused. This provides quality info to your readers.

More importantly, ‘niching down’ is great because it will bring in the right traffic and makes writing your posts so much easier. This helps your readers to know what to expect from you and you will then know what to deliver.

So it’s a win-win any way you look at it!

One of the best ways to make money from your blog is by turning your passion into something that readers will love. You may already be an expert on the topic you have chosen, but you will still have to transform it into something profitable.

Say you want to start a mom blog that focuses on career options for moms. But then you see that so many other moms are doing the same thing. To pack a punch you need to go deeper and find something much more specific

Instead, you could choose a niche that caters to career options for military moms. This means you would be writing for moms who will be moving around often and who need employers who provide for this type of flexibility.

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So the more specific your niche is, the more targeted traffic you get, and this way, reaching your audience is much easier.

Niches You Can Choose for Your Mom Blog

You might be thinking that the only niche you can choose is a work from home mom blog niche right?

Wrong. There is so much to choose from in the world of blogging and you can turn almost any niche into a money-making blog!

This mom has a food blog that’s all about getting kids to eat in color. I think it’s pretty creative!

Kids Eat in Color Blog

Some other popular niches for moms are :

  • Health and Wellness
  • Parenting Advice
  • DIY and Crafts
  • Gardening
  • Frugal Living
  • Homesteading
  • Personal Finance
  • Education and Learning

Once you’ve chosen your niche, you can now think about the type of platform to get started on with creating your mom blog!

Choose a Blogging Platform Website

The very next thing to consider when starting your blog is to choose a blogging platform. You don’t EVER want to just start with just any platform and regret it later.

I chose to use because it came highly recommended and is essential to starting your blog the right way and earning money from it. It’s a free blogging platform that you will connect with your hosting company-this will be explained later on.

There are a ton of other platforms out there such as, Blogger, Gater, and Squarespace. But I’ve found that is the most suitable, even though it does come with a learning curve.

Why Choose

In my experience of using, I’ve found that it gives me total control over everything that I do on my blog.

From adding plug-ins to customizing my theme, everything has been easier than I expected! also comes with thousands of themes to choose from that will fit just about any niche. It also allows you to add super-useful plugins like the Yoast plugin which is essential for SEO-friendly blog posts.

Other platforms such as offered by Automatic sound like a good choice because it’s free (like and is simple to set up.

But hold your brakes! Not so fast.

On, you can’t run advertisements on your blog. Placing ads on your blog is one of the more popular ways to make money when you have enough traffic.

Most bloggers don’t start out with a product to sell or have sponsored posts and affiliate links to make money from.

So it is crucial that you have the option to display ads on your site. Some bloggers don’t do this and that’s fine. But it’s nice to at least have the option.

Blogger is a platform that I’ve known a lot of bloggers started out with. While it’s great for a hobby blog (that you don’t plan to make money with), I wouldn’t recommend it for serious bloggers who want to turn their blog into a business.

Another reason I don’t recommend Blogger? Google can suspend your blog at any time. That means all your posts, hard work, and effort, poof. Gone in a moment. Scary huh?

For now, has the best offerings in terms of service and quality tools – so I’ll be sticking with them for the long run.

Start a Mom Blog With Bluehost and WordPress

Bluehost Website

Now that we know the best choice as a blogging platform, we can move on to choosing a hosting company.

When I first started blogging, I put a LOT of research into choosing a hosting platform. I wanted something that was not only reliable but one that had quality service and value.

This is why I chose Bluehost. Not only are they super popular with new bloggers, but their starting price is incredibly affordable. Their basic plan starts out at $2.95. That’s quite a steal for starting a mom blog that will eventually make money!

Why Choose Bluehost?

Apart from popularity and price, why should you choose Bluehost for your mom blog?

1. You Get a Free Domain

Which mom doesn’t like free? I know I do! Bluehost knows that, and they will offer you a completely free domain for one year when you sign up.

Now that’s what I call a bargain-friendly host. For me, this was one of the main reasons I signed up with Bluehost.

Most web hosts don’t offer a free domain to their new customers, so that’s a major plus in my book!

2. 24/7 Technical Support

Starting a blog can be super technical and you may have a lot of questions when you’re in the beginning phases.

If you have any problems on the tech side, you can speak with a representative any time of the day. It’s also great that they have 24/7 chat support where you can get your questions answered without waking the kids!

Bluehost’s excellent customer support will provide you with stellar service, and you’ll learn a few new tricks along the way.


3. 99% Uptime

This is great news for bloggers who want to ensure that the servers their hosts provide are always in good shape. Bluehost is known for having 100% uptime the majority of the time.

This is certainly something to look into if you don’t want difficulties in the future with your site going down often, which could really affect business.

There are some hosting providers who promise 99% uptime, but in reality, they don’t deliver. You won’t have any such problem with Bluehost, as the company spends millions to develop their own data centers which maintain their servers.

4. Fast Page Speed

One of the most important things that some bloggers don’t touch on is website speed. Website speed is critical to your business as a blogger.

Why is this you may ask?

Well, just picture this. You’re a busy mom with a hectic schedule and you have all your kiddos bouncing around the house while you’re trying to work.

You have a very demanding client who you’ll have to call soon and the kids just won’t let up. So you Google ‘Fastest way to keep kids quiet‘ simply because you’re in a rush. You hit ENTER and the first result comes up and you select it.

You await with angst and nervous foot-tapping while you watch the page load slowly…

And it keeps going…and going… and going…

Would you wait? Or would you go back and hit the next best search result?

I think we all know. Studies now show that the average web user will click OFF your page if the load time is more than 3 seconds. That’s right!

3 seconds!

Call me crazy, but when I first heard this I was shocked! You would NEVER want potential customers to abandon your site due to slow page speed. This is where Bluehost comes in handy.

Bluehost uses the Cloudflare CDN service that allows us bloggers to have superb page speed and performance. If your website ever does go down, Cloudware will keep a cached copy of your page for your viewers to see.

5. User-Friendly

Who wants to use a platform that isn’t user-friendly? I’m sure no blogger would, and beginner bloggers are definitely in need of a super easy tool to start their blogging journey.

Bluehost uses the most popular cPanel, otherwise known as the control panel, that has a clean interface and minimalist design that makes updating the techy stuff on your website very simple.

Within the Bluehost cPanel, you’ll find stuff like your domain, databases, email, and other essentials that makes running your blog possible. It’s quite easy for you to make any changes in your cPanel to keep your site running smoothly.

Choose a Plan

Bluehost Plans

Bluehost has three plans you can choose from, which include the Basic, Plus, and Choice Plus. I recommend that beginner bloggers start out with the Basic Plan. As a matter of fact, I’m using the basic plan myself, and it’s just the perfect fit.

As your blog picks up more visitors, or if you plan on starting another blog, you can definitely upgrade at any time.

But as you’re just starting out, the Basic Plan has everything you need and has you covered!

You can even get a special discount pricing by choosing the 2-year or 3-year pricing plan. With this, you don’t have to think about your bill for 3 years!

Sounds great to me!

Choose a Domain Name

Choose a domain name

This was one of my favorite parts of starting this blog. I wanted a domain name that was catchy but still targeted my readers. That’s how I came up with Working Momspiration. Simply a blog for working moms!

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Remember that your website name is your brand, so you will want to relate to your brand in some way. If you’re starting a blog about kids’ crafts, for example, you could use the name ‘’.

Some bloggers even use their actual names as their domain name and successfully turn it into a brand. So all in all, a domain name is not about how it sounds, but how you brand that name.

Once you get to the page where you choose a domain name, you can enter your website domain and check to see the availability. The next step is to choose an extension such as .com, .org, or .net.

It’s highly recommended that you choose a .com extension as its the most common, and will more likely build trust with new customers.

You also have the option to select “Skip for now” if you’re not ready to choose a domain name.

Your Account

Enter account details

The next step is to fill in your account info and choose a payment plan. Remember you save a heap when you choose a 2-year or 3-year plan.

We moms love to save! Yea!???? 

You will have the option to use either a credit card or PayPal to make your payment.

Install WordPress

Now, this step is pretty easy because Bluehost does all the work for you! All you do is head onto the WordPress platform and you’ll see a default theme.

Bluehost makes it easy to log in to your blog. There’s an easy-to-use control panel and with just a click you log in to your new blog and start tinkering around! From the dashboard, you can choose a new theme, add plugins, and start adding your main pages.

Customize Your Theme

If your blog doesn’t look very attractive, no one’s gonna stick around to read it. But don’t worry my friend, it’s quite simple to head in and customize it from your WordPress dashboard.

You have the option to make your theme fit your taste by changing the theme colors, font, and layout. It’s pretty easy to do once you’re in!

When you create a blog using WordPress, there are thousands of themes to choose from and they are all customizable to some degree. There are both free and premium themes, with the latter having more features.

The template below is just one of the many available in the Astra theme that’s free. I must say that Astra is one of the most versatile and customizable themes to use for your blog. There’s also a premium version but to be honest, the free version is fine when you’re just starting.

Astra WordPress Theme

If Astra’s not to your taste, there are lots of other themes to choose from. So you can tinker around until you find the best fit.

I would recommend choosing a theme that best represents your blog niche but one that is clean and will focus most on your content. Some themes may look great but have too much going on and often distract from the content.

I use Thrive Themes to create some of my blog pages, opt-ins, and landing pages. It’s a very easy-to-use drag and drop builder with more than 250 pre-built pages.

Some mom bloggers will use companies like Elegant Themes because their themes are very feminine.

Either way, just choose a theme that fits your style.

Write Killer Content for Your Mom Blog

Whew. We’ve made it to the good part. This is all about writing great content for your mom blog that readers will absolutely love!

Your mom blog won’t make it far without good content. By that I mean value. You want your readers to get something helpful from your posts. You want them to leave your website feeling reassured and encouraged.

Having a pretty blog just won’t cut it I’m afraid. So, what do you blog about?

Think back to a blog niche you may be mulling over or one you may have already chosen. If you’re starting a mom blog about Health and Fitness, you can brainstorm a list of related topics such as:

  • Cardio techniques for moms
  • Martial Arts training for beginners
  • Strength Training that any mom can do
  • Fab Fit Fun tips
  • Cross-training for new moms
  • What is My Fitness Pal and how to use it

Pro Tip:???? Look at blogs in your niche to see what they’re writing about so you can get a general idea of the niche.

You should also check out what your competition’s most popular posts are about. This can help you find out what your targeted readers are most interested in and you can get great blog post inspiration ideas.

The #1 Writing Tool

Make money With Your Mom Blog

Woman holding money

Now that you’ve settled on choosing a blogging platform, and decided on your niche, it’s time to start thinking about how to make money from your blog.

Let’s be honest here. This is one of the main reasons for starting your mom blog. The great part about this is that you will be sharing your expertise with others and help them to find solutions to their problems.

One of the bonuses for you is that you can spend your time at home working in your pajamas, instead of sitting slumped in a cubicle all day. (I would know, I’ve done it for years.????

I must give you fair warning though. Simply writing a blog post with fabulous content alone won’t make you money. However, there are many ways for bloggers to make money with their blogs.

I started earning money with my blog a little over a year after starting it, and I couldn’t be happier. Here’s a recent balance from one of my affiliates:

online job payment

It took a lot of hard work, early morning and late nights, but it’s truly worth it. If I can do it, you definitely can!

As far as earning potential, the sky is the limit. Mommy bloggers have been known to make more than $10,000 monthly with their blog. This might be outside the norm, but it’s definitely possible.

Monetize Your Blog


Displaying ads isn’t any blogger’s favorite way to make money from their blog, but you can make a small amount of money by adding them to your blog. One of your options, if you’re just starting a blog, is using Google AdSense.

Setting up Google AdSense is pretty easy. You can start out by creating a Google AdSense account for free, and then Google will display ads that are targeted to your specific audience. That way, when a visitor clicks on an ad you make money. It’s as simple as that!

Here’s an example of a banner ad on a mom blog:

Mom Spark Blog

As your traffic grows and your blog becomes much more successful, you’ll get the opportunity to apply to higher-paying ad networks like Mediavine and AdThrive that can create a much greater revenue stream. 

Pro Tip:???? I wouldn’t recommend cramming your entire page with ads. Try to add them in places where readers can see them, but do your best not to overwhelm your readers with too many.

On a side note, some of the most successful bloggers waited until their traffic grew with a loyal fanbase before placing ads on their accounts. I assume that this helped build trust, and their readers were more engaged, so the ads would bring more profit.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has become one of the most popular ways for mommy bloggers to make money with their blogs. How it works is that companies and other brands will approach bloggers who have an audience, and pay them to display their products.

When someone buys the product, you make money. Isn’t that great?

It definitely is! But first, you’ll have to generate a fair amount of traffic in order to promote these products and services. You’ll also want to make sure you’re recommending products you use and trust.

You would never want to recommend something purely for the sake of getting money. It’s just not a good idea. Trust me.

A few examples of blog posts you can use to promote these products are:

  • Round up articles on various products
  • Product Comparison articles
  • Tutorials on using a product or software
  • Review articles

How much money you make from affiliate marketing will largely depend on your enthusiasm when promoting the product and how interested your readers actually are in the products you promote. Oftentimes, your audience will choose to purchase products based on whether the product is beneficial to them or not.

Take a look at Michelle’s blog Making Sense of Cents. She’s a popular blogger that makes more than $100,000 just from her blog! A big chunk of that is, of course, Affiliate marketing.

Making Sense of Cents

Choosing an affiliate company can be quite a task. You want to make sure you’re choosing the right one for your niche, and the ones that will suit your audience best. A few affiliate marketing companies that come to mind are:

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It’s best to do your research on the types of affiliate companies to partner with especially by reading their policy and what to expect from the partnership.

Here’s a list of 13 affiliate marketing programs that accept beginners.

Another way you can make money with your mom blog is to promote products through sponsored posts. A sponsored post is basically when a company pays you to get their product or service endorsed in your blog posts.

Sponsored posts come in the following forms:

  • A Roundup list post that includes the sponsor’s products or services
  • Backlinks to the sponsor’s website or products
  • Posts written by the blog’s owner that endorses the product

You can make a decent amount of revenue from doing sponsored posts through companies that relate to your readers’ interests.

For example, say you have a mom blog that caters to homeschooling mothers. You can write a sponsored post endorsing an educational company that provides books and school supplies to homeschooling moms.

This type of product will most likely benefit homeschooling moms and their children so you could write a sponsored post on that. It’s always important that you write sponsored posts that will benefit your audience.

They will see that you truly care about their interests, and that will make them more likely to purchase products and services through you.

Selling your own products/services

When you first launched your mom blog, you might not have yet thought about creating your own product or services. However, creating a plan to sell your own product can be a total game-changer. 

I say this because this can become one of the most dependable income streams for you as a mommy blogger. The types of products and services you can offer are limited only by your own imagination.

I recommend strategizing the type of products and services you sell based on your niche and the type of audience that you cater to. If you’re a mommy blogger with a parenting niche you probably wouldn’t offer the same products like say, a blogger in the tech niche.

Instead, you could offer products such as printables for kids, homeschooling or back-to-school resources, or even a recipe ebook targeted to busy parents. You’ll have to think carefully about your intended audience and what they would like to purchase from you.

The sky is the limit when it comes to selling your own products. Here are a few other product ideas you could mull over for future reference:

Some mommy bloggers develop and sell their own online courses which can make a pretty big bang in the long haul! You can use sites like Canva or PicMonkey to create awesome graphics!

Once you have formulated your plan, you can start working on creating your product and even using ideas and content from your published posts. When it’s all done, you can start promoting it to your subscribers. This is a great way to get your product out there and start getting your audience used to the type of stuff you’ll be offering.

Pro Tip:???? You can test out the type of products or services that your subscribers will love by giving them freebies or even doing pop-up quizzes on your website. You can use their responses and feedback as a gauge for developing future products.

Promote Your Blog

Now that you know how to make money from mom blog, you need to get the word out. People need to get access to your blog posts and all the helpful tips and tricks you’re ready to give them.

The best way to do this is to promote your blog. Don’t worry about spending money on this part in the beginning as there are plenty of free ways to do this.

Social Media

One great way to start is through social media.

Social media isn’t useful just for sending memes and the latest trends, it’s also a strategic way to market your blog and promote the content you’re producing.

Almost everyone is on social media these days, so it’s very effective to share updates about your blog there to get tongues wagging. One of the most popular marketing tools for this Pinterest.


Even though I use the term ‘social media‘ for Pinterest in this blog post, it’s important to understand that Pinterest is really a visual search engine.

Recent statistics show that about 335 million people use Pinterest every month. Now that’s a whole lot of traffic. And this is why so many bloggers use Pinterest to their advantage.

You see, readers are always looking for solutions to their problems. When they want a quick recipe fix for a turkey bake, they type that search term into Pinterest, and BOOM, there’s that turkey bake recipe in the form of a pin.

When they click on that pin, it gives them the option to read the article that the turkey bake recipe is attached to. That article will be found on a website like say a blog.

This could very well be your blog if you use Pinterest strategically. And that my friends, is the wonder of Pinterest.

The best tool to use for scheduling pins is Tailwind. Tailwind allows you to schedule pins days, weeks for even months ahead.

This way you can schedule all your pins at once and rest assured that they’ll all be seen by your audience.

Sign up for Tailwind free and post up to 20 pins free each month!

Anastasia from Anastasia Blogger uses Pinterest to reel in 300,000 visitors per month. With this massive amount of traffic, she’s able to use premium Ad companies like Mediavine, which pays significantly more than Google AdSense.

It’s great to have a Pinterest strategy when you’re just getting into the game because the more good pins you put out there, the higher probability there is that someone will click on that pin and read your post.

There’s a lot that goes into Pinterest marketing, like designing clickable pins, using Pinterest SEO, and scheduling pins, but that’s a post for another time.

Instead, focus on creating great content that will be useful to your readers, and then you can start implementing Pinterest to promote your blog.

Build an Email List

One of the final steps to growing a successful mom blog is to start an email list.

It might not sound like it at first, but if you’re a mommy blogger looking to make money online with your blog, you need to have an audience that you can share your passion with, in a more personal and intimate way. A few benefits to email marketing are that you can:

  • Deliver your latest content and blog posts straight to your readers’ inboxes.
  • Develop meaningful relationships through regular communication with subscribers.
  • Make money by promoting your products and services directly to your readers. For example, ebooks and new courses that will benefit them.
  • Your email list will also help you build rapport with your readers and you can share personal stories that will create loyal fans.

One way to get started with an email list is to sign up with an Email Marketing Provider such as:

I started out with MailerLite. I love them because you can start out free for your first 1000 subscribers! You can also get this when you sign up with ConvertKit as well.

It’s best to create an email list as soon as you launch your mom blog. This will help you to start building a relationship with your audience and make it much easier to engage with them as your blog grows.


There you have it. A step-by-step guide on starting your very first mom blog. I’m sure you’ll love blogging so much, that you may even want to start a second blog????. Or are we getting ahead of ourselves?

Either way, you’re definitely on the road to blogging. Let me just be frank. It’s a lot of hard work and you may even bawl your eyes out sometimes.

But you can use the bloggers mentioned above as inspiration for creating your very own unique presence online and hopefully as a future business!

Don’t be shy, comment down below on your favorite blogging niche and what you hope to blog about once you start!

If you liked this post please PIN it for later!

flowers on desk

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Meika is a stay-at-home mom of one who believes that every mom should have the chance to build her very own business and thrive while doing it! She'll give you awesome tips on how to make money legitimately with side hustles, online jobs, and business opportunities!
