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Working Mom Side Hustles

10 of the Best Passive Income ideas for moms

passive income ideas for moms

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Want to know some of the best passive income ideas for moms?

Now is the perfect time to start thinking about making money the smart way.

This way, you can have more family time (and mom time too)????

Passive income is really blowing up right now. It’s a revenue stream that can keep you going for months and even years at a time!

This dream can be yours, yes YOURS, hon, if only you invest some time, patience (and a little money too) to make it a reality. 

I’ll guide you on some of the best passive income ideas for moms to try, so you can make money even while you sleep!

Remember to Pin this post to your Passive Income board!

Daughter kissing mom on cheek

What is Passive Income anyway?

It’s important to get an idea of what Passive income actually is.

Simply put, it’s money that you can earn without having to actively work.

Acquiring passive income usually requires a lot of work in the beginning.

But after some time – even with a small investment, you can start making money to build and maintain your family.

Most of the work you do after the hard part is usually a small amount and doesn’t require much effort.

You would only be doing upkeep and maintenance.

Passive Income vs Active Income

Active income on the other hand is something you do actively to make money.

Take your 9-5 for example. If you miss a day of work, guess what? No money!

For some people, it may be hard to depend only on active income, especially for single moms and dads, or large families with one working parent.

Passive Income is much more advantageous in many ways including:

  • More freedom to do what you love
  • Work from anywhere in the world
  • Having more time on your hands
  • More financial stability

As a stay-at-home mom, it’s a great idea to look at a number of passive income streams.

This way, you can make money without sacrificing quality family time.

Passive Income Ideas for Moms

Now you have a better idea of what passive income is, but what types of passive income ideas can you work on right away?

 There are a few that may come to mind such as investment, selling digital products, royalties from books or videos, and even songs.

If you have a nice voice you can do voiceovers or narrate audiobooks. When these products sell, you will be making passive income from them.

In this article, you’ll learn some of the best passive income ideas that are super easy for any mom to do!

Remember to pin it for later to your Passive Income board so you can go back to it at any time.

Let’s get into the 10 best passive income ideas that you can make money from as a stay-at-home mama!

1. Blogging

Don’t go just yet! This is not the cliched ‘ start a blog and make money right away’ gimmick.

While you can start blogging and make money even in your first month, it’s not the most common occurrence. 

Blogging is HARD work and takes lots of time – and tears too I might add.

But with a little investment, you can start a blog with the right hosting company, set up your theme and pages, determine your niche, and start writing content. 

Check out my article on how to start a blog from scratch.

That’s the easy part. But once you know your audience and niche, it’s much easier to write content and market it.

Passive Income from Blogging

Now I know you want to hear how you can actually make money from a blog.

Let me give you a little inspiration. Mandy from House of Rose, has a blog where she talks about house decor and marriage. 

Right now, she earns more than $3,200 a month. Depending on how you choose to monetize your blog, you could make even more!

When your blog is set up and you start writing content, you can sign up with Ad companies that will place ads from their clients on your website.

You may also like:  Is Low Content Publishing For You? How To Make Money With This Simple Side Hustle!

When you start to get a lot of traffic, you can make money when people click your ads or even when they scroll past these ads!

Another way you can make an income is through affiliate marketing.

That’s when you promote a service or product.

If somebody makes a purchase through your link then you get a commission.

This can create a full-time income for you if you choose the right affiliates and write in a way that entices your readers to click. 

Both ad revenue and affiliate marketing are passive income streams because you’re not actively working on them.

An article that you wrote 5 years ago can still make passive income once you’re getting steady traffic to it.

I recommend blogging as one of the best ways to make passive income because it’s your own baby.

You’ll be the one to nurture it to its full potential.

This couple was able to start their own blog and make $500,000 in revenue. Find out how they did it with this free blogging course!

When you implement passive income strategies you can reap the rewards for years to come.

Learn how you can select a profitable blog niche that suits you.

2. Sell on Amazon

Another great passive income idea for moms is selling products online through Amazon’s FBA program.

What you do is buy products at good prices from stores online and resell them on Amazon at higher prices for profit.

Once you have bought your products, you ship them to Amazon, and they will send it directly to customers. Amazon also takes care of the customer service aspect.

It’s good to consider going into this with a bit of capital.

It’s a great investment that can contribute to a passive income stream in the future. 

So think about the capital you can start with to purchase your products and calculate the amount at which you can sell each of your products for profit.

Ensure that once you sell, there is enough for a return. Jessica from Our Selling Family explains how to generate passive income through her online course.

She makes thousands a year from this!

3. Start a Drop Shipping Store

Starting a Dropshipping store is now one of the easiest ways to make passive income.

Dropshipping is simply where you sell products from a Drop Shipping company.

You can do your research to find products to sell that are in high demand, and sell them in a variety of drop shipping niches.

These can range from household items to beauty and even tech items.

When you sell a product, it is sent to the customer by the dropshipping company.

You can create a profitable passive income business from dropshipping because you can choose just how to price your products, and you have a lot of control over how much you actually earn.

Even though you invest time in purchasing products, pricing them, and setting up drop shipping logistics, it really is one of the more flexible ways to create a passive income stream.

Check out this Drop shipping course that has rave reviews to get you started!

The course module includes:

  • How to choose the right type of products to sell with the dropship model
  • Finding the right suppliers to dropship for you and know which suppliers to avoid
  • Setting up the ‘perfect’ website for drop shipping
  • Implementing powerful strategies to turn your website into a sales machine
  • How to launch your new website like a rocket, from scratch
  • Growing your dropship income and build an entire dropship empire

4. Selling Printables

If you have a creative mind and you love making designs on paper, then you can make money from your hobby.

You can make a steady amount of passive income from selling printables like planners (moms love using these!), budget plans, and even recipe templates!

This can be a great side hustle or passive income stream where you set up your own online store or sell your products on Etsy.

A great time to make a sale is during seasonal holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving when these products are in high demand.

You may also like:  Blog Niches That Make Money: How To Choose a Niche and Be Successful

Another way to take advantage of this passive income idea is to sell printable activities for kids – because almost every parent uses them!

 Sarah Titus created her own Printables Empire which has made $13,908,855 in just 3 years! Check out her printable course to learn how to start your very own printable business.

You can find designs to create your own printables on Creative Market. I’ve used them myself and they’re very affordable.

5. Create an App

Even if you’re not technologically inclined, you can still make passive income by creating a smartphone app.

It’s not as difficult as it may sound, because there are tools you can use to get it done relatively quickly.

One way you can make money from your app is by using ads.

Have you ever played a game on your smartphone or used an app that had advertisements popping up?

Yes, they’re annoying, but they work.

Once you get enough people using your apps and they click on the ads, you can make a steady amount of passive income from it. 

One good tip to remember is that you can create apps for both Android and Apple (IOS) platforms as your target audience could be using one or both of them.

You can make also make money by creating a paid app (without ads) that customers can purchase.

Learn how to create an app here with this course.

6. Sell Merch

Have you ever seen an adorable T-shirt design online and thought “I could do that!’

Well, it’s definitely possible. You don’t even have to be an artist to make money online.

There’s a market for people who love cute, quirky, and unique designs that you just don’t see in your regular department stores.

You don’t have to be a graphic designer or even have an eye for style.

A simple way to get started is through Merch by Amazon, a program where almost anyone can sell their created designs for money.

 You simply create a design, upload it and Amazon takes care of the rest.

They pay you royalties on every product sold.

This is a great passive income idea for moms because :

  • There is no need to have to store inventory
  • You never have to make the physical item
  • Amazon takes care of the marketing
  • Product reviews don’t affect the viability
  • There is no fee or investment to participate (best part)????

Please keep in mind however that Amazon does take a percentage of the item sold.

However, the benefits to this are that Amazon takes care of the inventory, printing, shipping, and customer service.

I consider this one of the best passive income ideas on this list because of how little work goes in. 

This podcast features Glen Zubia who rakes in $4000 a month from selling T-shirts on Amazon via the Merch by Amazon program.

He goes into his best-selling product, how to use holidays for big sales, and his actual revenue from selling his products

Be sure to check out how Merch by Amazon works.

Other places to sell Merch include RedBubble, TeeSpring, and Zazzle. I made sales on RedBubble in no time!

7. Create a course

If you like a bit of teaching, you could use your knowledge and skillset to create a profitable online course.

Almost everything we do now is based online – even school.

Why not take the opportunity to share your expertise with those really want it?

The first thing I did when I wanted to start a blog was to take a free blogging course.

I realized then just how popular online courses were and that there was a large market for them.

If you’re thinking about starting a blog, here are 7 free courses every blogger should know about.

Selling a course has become a hot ticket for making passive income online.

When you create a course, you can market it, get reviews and testimonials, and earn a decent amount of money again and again.

One great thing about it is that you can update it at any time, and adjust the price as it becomes more popular. 

You may also like:  The Best Paid Surveys for Moms: 40 Places to Earn Money By Giving Your Opinion

Yuwanda explains how she made almost $26,000 from courses she has created online.

Here are a few popular places to create and make passive income from a course:

8. Selling Photos

Are you someone who just can’t put your camera down?

Do you take impressive pics that look very professional?

You should consider selling them online.

Photographers make a decent amount of money from passive income when they sell their photos online.

Pictures are in high demand and it’s a market that isn’t going away any time soon.

Large and small businesses, and even bloggers like myself, need photos for marketing, social media, and our digital products

Before you start though, it’s a good idea to get some quality equipment for taking attractive pics that people will want to buy.

A good DSLR camera can work, or you can use your iPhone to take quality pics that are even better than some cameras. (if you do it the right way)

Secondly, you should also think about using Photo editing software to make your photos look even more spectacular. A few of these include:

I recommend using photo editing software because it makes such a huge difference in your photos with a much more professional look.  

Finally, you can sell your photos online and luckily, you have a lot of great choices.

This photographer shows us some other sites he uses to sell photos online and the money he’s made from them.

I’ve included a few more here that you can check out:

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite

9. Create an Ebook

Another option you have for generating a passive income stream is by creating an ebook.

You could share something personal and life-changing or write a self-help book.

You have the option of creating the ebook yourself, or you can invest in a good ghostwriter who can formulate your ideas into something epic.

This is a passive income idea that moms can do with little or no experience in writing.

A proofreader and editor are all it takes to perfect your creation. 

Michelle explains her strategies for creating an ebook that makes passive income here.  

10. Rent your Spare Room

Believe it or not, this is actually a popular way to earn passive income.

Whether you have a spare room because your child has left for college or you’ve just gotten lucky with an inherited home, you easily earn money by renting space in your home.

One of the safest and most convenient ways to do this is through Airbnb.

You can choose just how much to rent per night and you have the option of making it long-term or short-term based on your preference. 

Airbnb also covers your booking with 1M damage protection and insurance in case of accidents. 

A great way to make money from this passive income idea is to use a detached bedroom or even convert an outdoor shed into a gorgeous spare room. 

The investment can reward you greatly as a lot of travelers love cozy, outdoor spots separated from the main house. 

This article gives you a detailed look into Airbnb investments and why it’s really worth it.

Passive Income for Moms to Earn Money While they Sleep

These passive income ideas for moms are ideal because you can start them with little or no investment.

The idea of spending money on any of these ideas may seem daunting at first, but the fact is that these ideas work!

I hope you have been inspired to take the first step in earning money your own way without committing to the 9-5 grind.

If you liked this article, be sure to subscribe to the blogging challenge so you can make money with one of the best passive income ideas on this list (blogging)!

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Meika is a stay-at-home mom of one who believes that every mom should have the chance to build her very own business and thrive while doing it! She'll give you awesome tips on how to make money legitimately with side hustles, online jobs, and business opportunities!

