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How To Make Money While In Grad School: 26 Ways That Work!

How to make money while in grad school

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For many graduate students, trying to balance work and study is a constant challenge.

 The demands of graduate school can be overwhelming, leaving little time for students to engage in any other activity that will add to their financial well-being. 

However, there are avenues to explore to make money while in grad school. While it is not easy, it is possible to earn some extra cash, gain experience, and even increase your networking opportunities. 

If this is the case for you, worry not!

We’ll be looking at how to make money while in grad school without the stress. 

Are you looking to supplement your stipend? We got you!

What about trying to earn a little extra spending money?

This post will help you too. 

You’ll get some practical recommendations to help you achieve your financial goals without sacrificing your academic progress. 

If you’re ready, let’s dive into how to make money while in grad school!


college students looking at laptop

How To Make Money While In Grad School

1. Research Assistantships

Graduate school can be a financially challenging time for many students. 

One way to offset the costs of tuition and living expenses is to secure a research assistantship. 

Research assistantships are available to graduate students in a variety of fields, including science, engineering, social sciences, and the humanities. 

These positions typically involve working closely with a faculty member on research projects related to their field of study.

Apart from the money providing financial support, research assistantships offer several other benefits for graduate students.

 These positions provide valuable experience in research methodology, data analysis, and project management.

 Research assistantships can also help students build professional networks and establish relationships with faculty members, which can be beneficial when it comes time to secure letters of recommendation or apply for jobs after graduation. 

With this, graduate students can gain practical experience while also earning money to support their education.

2. Tutoring

Have you ever done tutoring after school for extra money?

As a graduate student, you may be wondering how to make some side cash

One great option is to become a tutor!

 Tutoring is a flexible job that allows you to help others while also earning money.

As a graduate student, you likely have expertise in a particular subject area that makes you a great candidate for tutoring.

To get started, think about the subject(s) you excel in and feel confident teaching. 

Then, reach out to your university’s tutoring center or post flyers around campus advertising your services.

 You can also sign up for online tutoring platforms or create a profile on a tutoring website to expand your reach.

A few good ones include VIPKid, Chegg Tutor, and Preply.

 Not only will you be helping students improve their grades and academic skills, but you’ll also be gaining valuable teaching experience that can benefit you in your future career. 

3. Freelance Writing

student working in library

If you’re a graduate student struggling to make ends meet and found yourself drowning in debt, there’s a nice side hustle to make you some cash.

It’s time to put your writing skills to good use and make some extra cash as a freelance writer.

As a graduate student, you already possess the necessary skills to excel in the world of freelance writing.

 You have spent countless hours researching and writing academic papers, so why not use that experience to your advantage? 

You may also like:  How to Make Money Selling Tumblers

One easy way that you can start earning money is by writing articles, blog posts, and even academic papers for others. 

Remember that it’s flexible and freelance writing allows you to work on your own schedule, so you can balance your studies and your side hustle like a pro. 

Find out how this lady earns $250,000 a year as a freelance writer!

4. Online Surveys

There’s a way to make some extra money without sacrificing your studies. 

You can do it from the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas, and with a cup of hot cocoa in hand. That’s right, folks! I’m talking about online surveys!

Online surveys are a great way to earn some extra cash while in grad school. 

Many companies are willing to pay for opinions and feedback on their products or services. 

All you have to do is sign up for a reputable survey site, fill out some basic information, and start taking surveys. 

You can do them during your free time, between classes, or even while waiting for your experiments to run.

 It’s a flexible and easy way to earn some extra income without sacrificing your academic responsibilities.

You can get started with:

If you’d like to make even more money, here are 40 survey sites to do surveys.

5. Transcription Gigs

A great way to make money if you’re a fast typer is with transcription.

Transcription is the process of converting spoken words into written text. 

Many companies and individuals require transcription services for various purposes, such as creating written records of meetings, interviews, dictations, and more.

 As a graduate student, you can leverage your writing skills and attention to detail to earn extra income by taking on transcription gigs.

These gigs are usually flexible and can be done from the comfort of your home. 

You can find transcription work through online platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and

 The pay for transcription work varies depending on the complexity and length of the audio file. 

However, on average, you can expect to earn $15 to $25 per hour. 

You can also enhance your listening and typing skills, which can be valuable in your graduate studies and future career. 

Head over to GoTranscript for freelance typing gigs. 

6. Virtual Assistant

Grad school can be a financially stressful time, with tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs piling up. 

Working as a virtual assistant or VA, can really help when times are tough.

A virtual assistant is a remote worker who provides administrative support to businesses and individuals. 

The job allows you to work from home, set your own hours, and choose your own clients. This flexibility makes it a great option for graduate students who want to earn extra income while still focusing on their studies.

As a virtual assistant, you can provide a range of services such as email management, social media management, data entry, research, and scheduling appointments. 

Your salary varies depending on the task, but it can range from $10 to $50 per hour. 

The skills you develop as a virtual assistant can be valuable in your future career, as many organizations are moving towards remote work and require individuals who are proficient in digital communication and organization. 

You may also like:  10+ Best Places to Sell Stickers Online for Cash

You can find available jobs at these places!

7. Blogging

One of the best online businesses online is blogging. 

You could actually earn extra income while pursuing your graduate studies by starting a blog too.

As a graduate student, you have a unique perspective and expertise in your field, which can be valuable to readers. 

 By starting a blog, you can showcase your knowledge, share your experiences, and build a following. Over time, you can monetize your blog through advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and other methods. 

What could you blog about?

A lot of stuff actually!

A few fun niches to try are

  • Career Development
  • Personal Finance
  • Travel and Adventure
  • Lifestyle Design
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Health and Wellness
  • Home Cooking and Meal Prep
  • Relationships and Dating
  • Personal Growth and Development
  • Book and Movie Reviews

Blogging is also a way to network with other persons in your field and helps to develop your research and writing skills.

Learn how this couple earns $500,000 annually from their own blog!

8. Photography

Having a hobby is a great way to relax and have fun.

If you enjoy photography as a hobby, you could actually earn from it. 

By leveraging your photography skills, you can turn it into a profitable side hustle.

To get started, you’ll need to invest in a good camera and equipment.

 While this may seem like a significant expense, it’s important to remember that photography is an investment. 

By purchasing quality equipment, you’ll be able to produce professional-grade photos that can command higher prices. 

Next, you’ll need to identify your niche. 

Do you enjoy landscape photography, portraits, or still life? 

Once you know your specialty, you can begin building your portfolio and marketing your services. 

You can sell your photos on stock photography websites, create a website to showcase your work, or even offer your services to local businesses. 

Sell your photos on sites like:

9. Dog Walking

Do you love animals?

You could be earning money while in grad school by walking dogs. 

There are plenty of pet parents looking for help with their doggies due to their busy schedules.

The good news is that the demand continues to grow, and with the right approach, you can turn dog walking into a lucrative business. 

You can start by advertising your services on social media or by creating flyers and posting them in local pet stores.

 Once you have established a client base, you can schedule your walks around your classes or research work. 

Not only will you be earning some extra money, but you will also have the added benefit of spending time with furry friends, which can be a great stress reliever during the demanding grad school years.

Find these gigs on Rover.

10. Babysitting

Many of us grew up babysitting as a way to earn money.

If you’ve done it before, you know just how chaotic it can be. But every job has its quirks and you’re making money, so what not?

Babysitting can provide a flexible schedule, allowing you to work around your classes and study time.

You’re also helping families who need someone to watch their kids while they work – so it’s a win-win.

To find quick jobs, you can begin by asking around your community or reaching out to family friends who have children. 

You may also like:  6 Best Day Jobs For Writers to Make 10k a Month!

One of the best ways to get a job is to sign up on sites like Sittercity.

When working in this field though, you have to set clear boundaries and expectations with the families you work for to ensure a positive and safe experience for both you and the children.

 It might be a good idea to get certification in CPR and first aid, to ensure you can handle any emergencies that may arise while on the job.

 Babysitting can not only provide financial stability as a graduate student but can also offer valuable skills and experiences that can be beneficial in any future career path.

How To Make Money as a Graduate Student: Extra Gigs

11. House Sit: Offer house-sitting services.

12. Do Fiverr Gigs: Do simple tasks on Fiverr.

13. Sell Journals: Create and sell journals on Amazon.

14. Sell Stickers: Create cute stickers and sell them on Etsy.

15. Art or Craft Sales: Sell your artwork or crafts online or at local markets.

16. Editing and Proofreading: Edit academic papers or other content.

17. Sell Digital Products: Create Products and Sell online

18. Language Teaching: Offer language lessons.

19. Calling Gigs: Take Calls or Make Them

20. Gardening or Landscaping: Offer gardening or landscaping services.

21. Bookkeeping: Provide bookkeeping services for small businesses.

22. Hairdressing/Barbering: Offer haircutting and styling services.

23. Sell Bandwith: Use Honeygain to sell your internet.

24. Rideshare Driver: Work for rideshare services like Uber or Lyft.

25. Repair Services: Offer repair services for electronics, appliances, etc.

26. Handmade Crafts: Sell handmade crafts on platforms like Etsy.

How to Make Money in Grad School FAQ

How do grad school students make money?

Graduate students often make money through various avenues such as research assistantships, teaching assistantships, part-time jobs, tutoring, freelance work, internships, or remote work. Exploring these options allows them to earn income while pursuing their studies.

How can I make money with a master’s degree?

With a master’s degree, you can explore career opportunities in your field of expertise that offer higher earning potential. You can also consider freelancing, consulting, teaching, or online tutoring to supplement your income.

How do you get through grad school financially?

To manage finances during grad school, consider securing assistantships or part-time jobs related to your field. Develop a budget, seek scholarships, live frugally, and explore alternative income sources like tutoring or freelance work.

How do people afford to live while in grad school?

Many people in grad school balance their finances by securing assistantships, taking part-time jobs, applying for grants or scholarships, living with roommates, and being mindful of their spending habits. It’s all about finding creative ways to make ends meet.

How to Make Money While in Grad School in No Time!

As you can see from this post, there are several ways for graduate students to make money while pursuing their studies. 

From working as a research assistant to freelancing and online tutoring, there are a variety of options available that can help students earn a steady income and gain valuable experience.

Just remember to prioritize time management and balance work with academic responsibilities to avoid burnout. 

Graduate students can definitely navigate the financial challenges of pursuing a higher degree.

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Meika is a stay-at-home mom of one who believes that every mom should have the chance to build her very own business and thrive while doing it! She'll give you awesome tips on how to make money legitimately with side hustles, online jobs, and business opportunities!

